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Re: Nationals Entry Cap

To: "Dave Whitworth" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Nationals Entry Cap
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 21:25:26 -0500
Now as I understand it, the cap only because necessary because projections
of the total entry based on entries to date, compared to past years, shows a
total entry soaring into the 1400 range! Yow! And they realized that while
they could handle 1000, even 1200, 1400 would tax the event beyond

Or more precisely, it would tax the event beyond what they had prepared to
have for 2000.

With the experience 2000 brings, possibly they may present a different setup
for 2001. Six-day nationals perhaps?

Nationals has always been a "y'all come" event and all the better for that.
The response to "1000 in 2000" is surprisingly strong. A 25% increase would
be amazing but they could handle that, and expected to be able to do so but
not really believing they'd have THAT many. A 50% increase is totally
outside the realm of expectations. Hence the cap. I believe it's a one-time
deal, folks.

(and my guess is they won't reach it. But they might pass 1100. But don't
plan on that if you really want to go ... get your entry in yesterday.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Whitworth <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2000 4:59 PM
Subject: Re: Nationals Entry Cap

>My own words:
>RJ>MS>> I can't believe anyone is bringing up the "qualification" issue for
>RJ>MS>> Nationals again.  I will state this again like many did during the
>RJ>MS>> debate:  GET YOUR ENTRIES IN EARLY!!!!!  If you don't, and don't
>RJ>MS>> the cut, it is your own problem.  The thought of limiting entries
>RJ>MS>> those who finished well at a qualifier event so there is room for
>RJ>MS>> Top Drivers" has to be the most absurd concept I've heard in a long
>RJ>MS>> time.  If anyone who wants to go doesn't delay until the last
>RJ>MS>> moment, it wouldn't be a problem
>A clip of Roger's Words:
>> And while I am against entry caps, and qualification, etc.
>> Whitworth's concept of EnterEarly is pretty 'absurd' in
>> itself.  It is not a fix at all.
>Putting words in someone's mouth is "absurd" or at least a little rude :)
>Did I say that this would fix the problem?  Did I outline my EnterEarly
>as the fixall to entry problems and large attendance?   NO
>My point is that because there is a limit, if you want to go, you had
>enter now!  If you wait, and don't get in, don't come crying that I, a last
>place driver took your spot because you have a chance to win a trophy (or
>Personally, I don't think the "system" needs fixing at all.  It is
>unfortunate that they had to impose a limit so late in the game.  Besides
>that, the system works fine.  Organizers set a limit, and if you want to go
>to their event, you register in time to make the cap!  If you piddle around
>until the last day and don't make it, why should I give my spot for you.
>Dave (I wonder what would happen if I sent my 2001 Entry Today?)

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