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Re: Z06 Corvette and Nationals?

Subject: Re: Z06 Corvette and Nationals?
From: "Charles R. Schultz" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 20:26:14 -0500
So, how about in Appendix A, where it says, "All unclassified cars will
compete in Super Stock . . .until. . . unless. . ."

----------------------- wrote:
> writes:
> << This sounds like what did happen in 98 with the Type-R ;-).  While the
>  Type-R was not new, it was new to stock and not explored, thus the same
>  exact scenario ;-). >>
> It's not the same exact scenario.  It was a 98 model in the 98 Nat's and the
> SEB classified it after receiving a recommendation from the SCAC.  Further,
> if the 99 model was available and essentially unchanged from 98 the SEB is
> allowed to approve them as well.  Besides, I recall a Talon taking home the
> brass in 98.
> It has nothing to do with Z06 situation, twisting of words/intent excepted.
> Sipe

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