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Re: Z06 Corvette and Nationals?

To: <>, <>, <>
Subject: Re: Z06 Corvette and Nationals?
From: "Ron Bauer" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 07:14:23 -0700
Mark, there was a '97 model of the Type R, and for all intents and purposes,
it was classed just prior to the '98 Nationals.  While I'm no longer
bothered by it (obvioulsy my Team Butt Heat co-member still holds a
grudge.....) it is something that should be avoided.

So, Joe's comment is accurate that cars shouldn't be classed right before
Nationals, regardless of whether they are brand new or not.


-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>;
Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 4:56 PM
Subject: Re: Z06 Corvette and Nationals?

> writes:
><< This sounds like what did happen in 98 with the Type-R ;-).  While the
> Type-R was not new, it was new to stock and not explored, thus the same
> exact scenario ;-). >>
>It's not the same exact scenario.  It was a 98 model in the 98 Nat's and
>SEB classified it after receiving a recommendation from the SCAC.  Further,
>if the 99 model was available and essentially unchanged from 98 the SEB is
>allowed to approve them as well.  Besides, I recall a Talon taking home the
>brass in 98.
>It has nothing to do with Z06 situation, twisting of words/intent excepted.

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