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Re: Tool brands and quality? Non-Autox related.

Subject: Re: Tool brands and quality? Non-Autox related.
From: Mari L Clements <>
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 09:30:35 -0400
> my dad bought me a nice Craftsman toolbox and rollaway and lots of 
> tools. Still have and use almost all of them, and that was in 1963!

That surprises me less than if you would have said he got them for you in
1993.  That is, old Craftsman tools are super.  Newer ones seem to fail
more often.  

'Course, when the local Sears guys see Eric coming, they know they are
getting ready to do another free replacement.  We have this running joke
about how he started with a steel level and each time he gets a
replacement one, it has more and more plastic and less and less steel.

'91 MR2 NA
-----anything after this, I didn't write, and don't necessarily agree


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