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Re: Shotz's WS-6 Prep Level (was RE: Uh oh, M3s in ESP)

To: bob1 <>
Subject: Re: Shotz's WS-6 Prep Level (was RE: Uh oh, M3s in ESP)
From: "Jeff Winchell" <Jeff@Winchell.Com>
Date: Mon, 29 May 2000 13:54:06 -0700
> Just seems suspiciously close to FS car with a race seat and upgraded diff.

The WS-6 in stock form is classed in SuperStock (not to say it has a 
prayer of competing there). 370 torque at the rear wheels is FAR from 
any F Stock car. I'm not sure how well stock springs in ESP would work 

> Too much torque == not enough tire. Doesn't it ? Or maybe wrong gearing ?

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding, but why do you want to spend more 
money to gain more torque and then take the added torque away with 
taller gears?

> You can't "too much torque," and use 315 tires when 335 is available.

Perhaps the 335 tires should have been used, without adding anymore 

OTOH, I can't believe that there is *absolutely nothing* that could be 
done to improve Bob Tunnell's car either.

> But we've
> all seen NHRA races, and those guys don't have "too much torque". 

Easy to do when you never turn the steering wheel.<s> Seriously, even 
given the additional chance for straights in a ProSolo, the classification 
question spans both the ProSolo and Solo II.

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