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Re: Peru Pro (a bit long)

To: mailing list autox <>
Subject: Re: Peru Pro (a bit long)
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 22:12:48 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 22 May 2000, Steven T. Ekstrand wrote:
> | For whatever reason, most of the close calls were on Sunday, *after* the
> | actual collision.
> That makes it worse!  Sometimes it is hard to recognize a close call until
> there is an incident, but once there is an incident???  I understand the
> reluctance to change course, but come on....   On Sunday morning first
> thing there should have been at least a minor adjustment.  It sounds like a
> minor adjustment to the entrance of the box would have greatly lessened the
> danger.

And thereby either invalidate Saturday's runs or make it nearly impossible
to improve them?  I woulda been happy with the first choice but certainly
not the second...

> "Newbie autocrosser and safety weenie attorney who is trying to convince
> his safety weenie attorney wife that this is an extreme safe sport"

It is.  Neither driver was hurt.  I don't think either airbag even went
off.  We should do what we can to prevent this in the future, but the
right answer was _not_ to stop the event.


(who probably wasn't the only bastard sitting on the line thinking/hoping 
that maybe this would slow all those _other_ DS guys down... :-)

(and, since its and everyon's so serious, also thinking how much
it must suck to go to an autox and bend up the car)

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