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Re: Peru Pro

To: "''" <>
Subject: Re: Peru Pro
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 22:20:52 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 22 May 2000, Alan Pozner wrote:
> How do I know? Because I was involved in just such a circumstance this year.
> I went to a regional event outside my local region. I have been to events
> hosted by that club before and they were safe. I knew several of the
> organizers. When walking the course there was a section that had a chainlink
> fence within 5 feet of the pylons on the inside of a gentle 30 degree off
> camber turn. The odds were very low that anyone would come in contact with
> the fence even if they really blew the turn. But I have ended up in unlikely
> places at the end of off course excusions and felt the fence was entirely
> too close and certainly against the course guidelines.

In the case of Peru, I can't speak for anyone else, but I didn't start
having real opinions on safety until after I saw Mr. Cone nearly take out
the other car and later went out and watched Mr. Popp accelerate at me
like a madman (this was quite impressive, but also a bit scary... :-)  And
after the event has started, its MUCH more difficult to make a course

Also, like I mentioned in my other message, I severely doubt that course
guidelines were violated.

I still feel the appropriate thing to do with this is to chalk it up to
"that's racing" and have course designers take note for the future.


(now, the one question I DO have is if that waiver we all sign is like the
one I used to sign back when I raced bikes.  _That_ waiver said that
another competitor could be held responsible for any damages I incurred.)

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