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Re: Worcester Telegram & Gazette

To: "Phil Ethier" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Worcester Telegram & Gazette
From: "Ron N." <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2000 21:25:04 -0400
> From: Brad Cox <>
> >In this country we seem to make an art out of "knee jerk" reactions.
> is a great example.
> I can beat that.  Two light planes managed to collide over Saint Paul.
> first reaction of one of our Council members?  "Maybe we should close the
> airport."

Maybe they need to send that "reporter" (I use the term loosely) to Dalton.
We'd tar and feather the sap down here.  Speaking of light aircraft, a few
years ago, a fellow was doing aerobatics over one of the local high schools.
He screwed up and crashed into some trees, several yards from some homes.
Killed him.  Our paper said he shouldn't have been up there in the first
place, he got what he deserved, and finally said that he would be missed.
The locals in that subdivision said they were waiting for the day he would
crash, were happy that they wouldn't have to fear if he would crash in their
houses, but said they would miss watching his "airshows".  Tough crowd.....

Ron N. - Dalton, Ga
84 300ZX Turbo
IZCC# 4779   TLS#30

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