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Re: DQ question

To: "Team.Net" <>
Subject: Re: DQ question
From: Dave Geis <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 18:29:59 -0500
> In the morning it weighed 747 lbs. and in the afternoon
> it weighed 726 lbs. (This is w/o driver.)
> And that was on the very same scales on the very same
> day with competent (we thought) people.

And it can change from minute to minute. National Scrutineer license
and have weighed a lot of cars. Usual procedure for our Region is to
check scale accuracy twice a day with 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 lbs
on each scale pad. Zero the scales before *each* car. If someone
comes in light, weigh again. Still light, weigh with the car pointing
the opposite direction (wind gusts, especially on the back of the
car, can create lift, or an uneven surface can make a *lot* of
difference), and might have to do that twice also. Still light?
Sorry. Not much else we can do.

Dave Geis - #25 FM  1982 Morton Formula Vee
Who needs a roof?...or doors...or lights...or fenders...
Wichita Region SCCA -

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