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Re: The "K" Tire

To: Kenneth Allan Mitchell <>
Subject: Re: The "K" Tire
From: "Robert M. Pickrell Jr." <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 08:10:24 -0500
Come on Ken don't hold back. Let us know what you think.


Kenneth Allan Mitchell wrote:

> They are heavy and you have to break a week and a half earlier than
> the BFG's.
> They are squishy and the response in quick transitions is slower than
> molasses than the BFG's.
> They are not fast out of the box as the BFG's
> They do last wear longer than the BFG's
> They do seem to be very forgiving than the BFG's
> They are cheaper on cost than the BFG's
> Overall, they are, well I guess it doesn't matter, at least they are
> round.
> --
> Kenneth Allan Mitchell

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