Actually, the grain in modern high speed films is not that bad,
even with enlargements. The color is even quite good. I've not used any
myself, being partial to 200 most of the time as a good general purpose
film. I have used 400 on bright days though. The biggest difference that
I notice on 4x6 when comparing the various speeds is in the color values.
Bill Wagner.
(5 years shooting film at various racetracks...)
On Tue, 11 May 1999, Heyward K Wagner wrote:
> Kodak Gold Max 800 film?????
> Can you see the car for the grain?
> your best option may be to go to a 100 speed film, thus reducing your
> grain by a ton and that will open up your enlargment options.
> Lower film speeds require brighter light and you will get a better
> exposure, only use 400 and above if you are in a low light setting.
> hKw
> (3 years empoyment in a camera shop)