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Re: Why DOT? Why not slicks?

To: "Tom Gentry" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Why DOT? Why not slicks?
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 11:55:29 -0500
Tom Gentry moans:

>SCCA keeps wondering why it's so hard to attract new

Given that new competitors continue showing up, I can't say as
how I wonder much about that. Autox isn't for everyone, but not
because any special equipment is required.

> and here's a good example of why.  A class is started (Street

In 1983. Let's at least get the historical context straight.

> so that cars with common
>enthusiast, street modifications can compete.

They could compete before, and they can compete now. Before, a
car with any modifications from stock went either to Prepared or
Modified. Now there's also Street Prepared. That's an

>  Of course, right off the bat some of the more c!
>ommon mods that street cars use are banned,

Were you around in 1983? Are you even aware of what constituted
"common" mods in 1983?

> but still it's an interesting class.
> Then the trailered cars start appearing,

You can trailer a Stock car. What's your point?

>As it is, it appears that my mildly modified and street driven
Cobra have been banished to CM,

Well, reverse some of the mods if you don't want to run in

> which proves to me that the rule makers aren't serious about a
Street Prepared category anyway.

That's not true. SP is very well subscribed, and long-term rules
stability is essential if that is to continue. Tell the guys on
the SPAC they're "not serious," and see what kind of response you

> So why not just change the name SP (Street Prepared) to PW
>ed Wannabes)?

Alternatively, why not just adapt your car to the rules that
exist NOW if you want to autox seriously? Otherwise, what's wrong
with just having a good time going fast in your daily driver? The
rules allow that, too.

Jay Mitchell

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