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Re: Spins & Blame (statistics)

Subject: Re: Spins & Blame (statistics)
From: "Jeff Winchell" <Jeff@Winchell.Com>
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 16:09:19 -0700
> The insurer in our case doesn't even cover damage to a competitor's
> vehicle, so, in the case of an incident where no other property is
> damaged and no injury occurs, NO CLAIM IS EVEN FILED. Does that mean
> such an incident didn't HAPPEN or that its occurrence has no
> implications for event safety or site retention?

If there is no insurance claim and no site property is damaged, and 
no injury occurs, I guess I'm not sure why this has impact on site 
retention (assuming there is an otherwise good relationship between 
the site owners and site users).

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