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Re: Spins & Blame (statistics)

To: Jeff Winchell <Jeff@Winchell.Com>
Subject: Re: Spins & Blame (statistics)
From: Jay Mitchell <>
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 15:48:06 -0700
Jeff Winchell wrote:

> And just so another obvious thing doesn't get misinterpretted, by time I
> don't mean just the time of the actual run - that's not the way the site
> owner or insurer views it.

The insurer in our case doesn't even cover damage to a competitor's
vehicle, so, in the case of an incident where no other property is
damaged and no injury occurs, NO CLAIM IS EVEN FILED. Does that mean
such an incident didn't HAPPEN or that its occurrence has no
implications for event safety or site retention?


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