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Re: Fw: A Free Gift -- tell your friends!

Subject: Re: Fw: A Free Gift -- tell your friends!
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 08:03:58 EST
Now Pat, it really is a good deal, I did it on the other offers and recieved
the subscriptions. Interestingly enough I haven't recieved any junk mail or
actual spam because of it either. Its not like he's sending joke mail, or
requests for everyone to send a dollar to some sickly Russian kid, or MML.
Sometimes we help each other with shocks and tires, sometimes we just share a
good deal. Eric, you can keep these offers coming to me whenever you like.

In a message dated 3/27/99 12:57:46 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

<< Eric Linnhoff wrote:
 > How-dee all.
 > I get one of these offers about every other month (hardly what I'd call
 > spam)...
 In your opinion. Others might not agree.
 Patrick Washburn <> >>

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