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Re: Propylene vs. ethylene glycol coolant

To: Wes Shew <>, 924/944/968 <924/>
Subject: Re: Propylene vs. ethylene glycol coolant
From: Craig Blome <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 05:32:22 -0800 (PST)
--- Wes Shew <> wrote:
> Need to add coolant to the auto-xer. Parts store has
> Prestone Low-Tox
> (propylene) for a couple bucks more than normal
> ethylene. Any performance
> advantages to it? 

Nope...its heat transfer properties aren't as good as
ethylene glycol.  Its selling point is supposed to be
environmental friendliness, which is IMO dishonest
because any used coolant has highly toxic metal

Craig Blome
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