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Re: SP rules and ESP Clarification

To: "Mohler, Jeff" <>, <>
Subject: Re: SP rules and ESP Clarification
From: "Kent Rafferty" <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 17:38:03 -0500
As an owner of a Supra TT and a Corvette V8 (LT4), I can 
make a comparison:  The Stock Chevy has substantially 
more grunt coming out of turns than my ESP Supra.  
The Supra has more power on-boost, but at a typical autox, 
I'm getting into the second turbo just about the time I need to
brake for the next turn.  :-(

As far as 400 RWHP Supras go, I'm probably at about 320
at the wheels (13.4 in the 1/4 mile last yr).  While I'm not modified 
to the full extent of E/SP rules, there is NO WAY *I* could get to
400 RWHP legally.  That's not to say it couldn't be done, just
that I can't get it done with my reading of the rules.

Before we throw Supras into B/SP or A/SP, lets make certain
that the Supra(s)s we use as a frame of reference are 
representative of an E/SP Supra.  I'll be the first one to agree 
that a 400+ RWHP Supra should be in B/SP.  Let me run 400+ 
hp and I'll happily trot off to B/SP :-)

Kent Rafferty
E/SP Supra TT

>> Even a stock Supra TT has plenty of torque.
> ---
> 315FtLbs at crank at stock everything..not bad, but way up there at
>4,000rpm.  HP Peak stock is about 5600rpm.
> Not exactly a corner kicker at low RPMs

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