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Re: WARNING humer alert! tree hugging hippy crap

Subject: Re: WARNING humer alert! tree hugging hippy crap
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 11:28:10 EST
In a message dated 3/18/99 8:14:14 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

 Clues for the clueless - I'm not concerned about any of the above.  I'd like
 to be able to drive my fully-prepared SP car to an event without being
 subject to fines, arrest, or other criminal proceedings.  Sorry you view
 that as pointless or futile.
 KeS >>
  Clue back to the clueless, you have that choice, if you feel you are risking
a fine by driving your car on the street, then set it up the way you feel you
need to have it to avoid a fine.
  The fact is, there is no law that says you can't take your cat of of your
own car, in fact you have a right to run a "test pipe" if you want to, the car
just has to pass smog in some areas to get tabs, but don't tell me I have to
set my car up to pass smog in your county or state just because you have to.
You always have the choice of pouting and taking youre ball and going home
because "it's not fair"
  Sorry if I sound Irritated, but there is a differance between smart ass and
     Curt O.

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