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RE: WARNING humer alert! tree hugging hippy crap

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: WARNING humer alert! tree hugging hippy crap
From: "Kevin Stevens" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Mar 1999 08:14:04 -0800
>   What's all this emission talk anyway, this is racing (excuse
> me, low speed car control events), not the cieara club.
>   Face it, your all just made because neither your Volvo or you
> VW camper will ever do well in solo 2, just because your Berkinstoks
> don't allow for left foot breaking is no reason to get your tie died
> panties in a knot.

> Lets get real here, we are talking about SP, that's maybe 100
> or so cars in the country, about .001% of the cars raced in this country
> alone,  making them run cats is not going to save the rain forests, now
> making your diesel Rabbit pass smog will help!

Clues for the clueless - I'm not concerned about any of the above.  I'd like
to be able to drive my fully-prepared SP car to an event without being
subject to fines, arrest, or other criminal proceedings.  Sorry you view
that as pointless or futile.


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