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Re: Weenies and tech responsibilities

To: Rex Weatherford <>
Subject: Re: Weenies and tech responsibilities
From: Gail/Sid deLeon <>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 21:27:07 -0600
At registration they hand you your own personal tech sheet which has your car
number and the class you have registered it in for that event. Tech only makes 
that the car and the sheet agree, then everything works smoothly at timing,
scoring, announcing, etc.


Rex Weatherford wrote:

> Jamie Sculerati wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: <>
> >
> > >It was the responsibility of Tech to enforce the class listing.
> >
> > Now this was interesting.  Has something changed this year, or is this
> > unique to Tours?  In past years (at least as far up as divisional events),
> > Tech had one responsibility and one only:  insure every car was safe to run.
> > We were not responsible for making sure the car was correctly classed (or
> > classed at all), legal for the class claimed, or correctly marked.  In fact,
> > I can remember going through techs at divisionals without the numbers or
> > SCCA stickers on the car -- we showed those to the event registrar along
> > with the rulebook to prove we had 'em, and we were trusted to show up on
> > grid with everything correctly marked.
> >
> > Just trying to stay current -- it's been a few years since I even made it to
> > a divisional event.
> >
> > Jamie
> > '92 Prelude Si
> > Speed Demon Racing
> >
> I would also like clarification on this.  As the new Tech Inspector for the
> Atlanta region I have always been told that it is the drivers responsibility 
> class his/her car correctly.
> Let me know please!
> --
> Rex Weatherford (Is gonna have to memorize the whole book?)
> 92 Beretta GTZ 2.3 89,000 miles
> 89 Beretta GT 2.8 150,000 miles
> #22 GS Atlanta Region SCCA Solo II G-Stock
> 95 Grand Am GT 3100 V-6 (can't get my wife to let me race it)

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