Sorry to beat this to death :
Joshua Hadler <> wrote :
>> While it does say that it does not allow the removal of the original
mirror (and certainly it's a performance advantage), it may be possible
scope of the rule was not written with removable mirrors in mind. Clearly,
other easily removable items can be taken out of the car, such as floor
etc... The mirror is easilly removable with out the use of any special
tools. It clips in and clips out, apparently designed for ease of removal
someone other than a factory tech, who would have access to whatever
tool was designed for mirror removal.
Certainly the rules imply it's illegal, but the nature of the mirror begs
the question. <<
I'm on the digest, hope I am not repeating this info, but rule 13.2.K
covers this :
"Any item that can not be held permanently in place by factory installed
fasteners may not be removed".
By this rule and the "mirror can not be removed.. when adding an additional
rule previously stated (which I could not find in last year's stock rules)
you can NOT remove a mirror which clips on and off.
But if it accidentally falls off during a run... ;-)
Regards, mike piera '72 911S Targa, '73 911RS Replica
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