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Re: When's it gonna get warm?

To: Eric Linnhoff <>
Subject: Re: When's it gonna get warm?
From: Randy Chase <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 11:02:16 -0800
Eric Linnhoff wrote:

> Nothing personal, but there are several cities that I have absolutely no
> desire to ever visit.  Wash DC (murder capital of America despite the most
> draconian gun laws known to man), Chicago (dirty, noisy and cold), New York
> (Chicago times ten, with artsy-fartsy types all over the place) and
> especially never, ever Los Angelos.
> Mind you, I've never been to any of these places but I've got friends and
> family that live there and I watch the news each evening.

In spite of once having watched 'Wizard of Oz', I will still brave the
tornadoes and go to Kansas. 8)

It's too bad you are so blindly against these areas. Consider that LA is
but a very small part of California, and consider that what you consider
bad about LA is but a small part of Los Angeles. I loved visiting
Washington DC and Chicago. I plan on visiting New York soon, so I will
take your advice and watch out for those scary "artsy-fartsy" types.

Come out and autocross at Hollywood park. You won't have to worry about
those artsy-fartsy types there. 8)

> Again, nothing personal.  These are just my personal opinions but if I had
> to move from my home state of Missouri (cold winters and hot summers) to
> another state it'd be either Texas (west or south but not east) or Arizona
> (preferably not Phoenix, it's like KC plus 20 degrees in the summer, way too
> hot & humid).

Humid? In Phoenix? Hey, all those Zonies are in San Diego in the summer.

BTW, my father's family is from Missouri. Tuscumbia to be exact, where
75% of the population is related. Okay to visit, but I will stay in
repressive California where the commuters are armed. 8)

Autocrossing content: most parking lots look the same no matter where
you are, once your in the car.

Randy Chase

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