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Re: Tiny bubbles...o...o....o....o.....o...

Subject: Re: Tiny bubbles...o...o....o....o.....o...
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 18:54:46 EST
In a message dated 2/8/99 9:10:03 AM Pacific Standard Time,

<< Does brake fluid turn stale?  Do tiny bubbles magically appear and render
 the fluid less than perfect?  Are there little gremlins lurking in my car
 and trying to drive me nuts?  Hmm, that _would_ explain the voices I hear
 when driving........
Yup! The higher the rating of the brake fluid i.e. D.O.T. 3 or 4 etc. the more
it has a tendency to absorb moisture.  The fluid heats up with active braking,
the small amount of moisture boils and turns to steam and leaves behind minute
bubbles which will compress and give you that oh so mushy feeling.  Problem 
is in the venting of the system to the atmosphere, the worse the seal on the 
master cylinder the more moisture is absorbed into the fluid.  Some new fluid 
have less of a tendency to absorb mositure, check around and have the
system flushed and new fluid installed.   Good Luck!
Tracy Sandberg
Sly Fox Racing

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