All *I* want to know is, who pays the legal fees when the rental company
sues everyone into oblivion for abusing the cars? Sure, I can rent *one*,
beat on it for the weekend, and probably get away with it... but that many,
with that kind of publicity? Think someone might catch on?
> > Moore, John wrote:
> > >
> > > Sounds prety cool to me. What kinda car's would be rented? Would there
> > be
> > > time alotted for "pit stops" to check the car out and maybe change
> > tires?
> > >
> >
> Patrick Washburn said ...
> > What else......Neons!
> >
> So, all you neon people out there, could a neon really hold up to 24
> hours of constant abuse? How about new Beetles or Toyota Celica GT's
> instead?
> John Moore