Get 6 identical rental cars, with teams of 10 people per car. Send the
cars off at 2 minute intervals for 12/24 hours straight, and allow a team
to pass on a maximum of 10 runs for a 5-10 second penalty per run missed.
Every team member gets at least five runs. You could set up two 12 hour
teams of five drivers a hour, or just let everyone run for an hour straight,
saving your two best drivers for the end (or whenever).
I think more than six cars would require two courses, but this would just
allow you the chance to make them _totally_ different, and have everyone
switch at the halfway point.
This allows the cool driver and car management tactics of endurance
racing, without anyone's car getting torn up. :-) Also create immediate
disqualification if any team member fails to show up to work.
Anyone else like this idea?
-Scott A Johnson
SS 87 325is