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[6pack] seeking easy TR6 windage tray & oil baffle design

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: [6pack] seeking easy TR6 windage tray & oil baffle design
From: Cregg Cowan <cregg.cowan@sri.com>
Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2008 12:00:00 -0700
Fellow Sufferers,

I'm replacing thrust washers and oil seals, etc. in a motor that I'll put 
in my daily driver/beater (the rods and mains are Vandervell with only ~20K 
miles on them).

I'm wondering if there's an easy design for a windage tray and/or oil 
baffle --- my favorite roads are twisty I worry about oil starvation.
While I have the motor on the stand it would be simple to fab 
something.  If nothing else, a simple vertical baffle can be tack welded in 

Suggestions anyone?

Cregg Cowan

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