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RE: Weight Curious?

To: "Donald LeBrun" <del@re-comm.net>,
Subject: RE: Weight Curious?
From: "Shawn J. Loseke" <sloseke@holly.colostate.edu>
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2005 07:23:40 -0700
>===== Original Message From "Donald LeBrun" <del@re-comm.net> =====
>Side impact beams?????

Believe it or not, that's what they are.

>Are you talking about that piece of lightweight gauge metal channel under
>the door skin?  It might protect from a runaway shopping cart in a parking
>lot, but not much else!

Never claimed it offered a higher level of protection than not having it.

>The only doors I have dismantled were from '74 on and they were all the
>same.  Further, BMH lists only one door for the entire model run.

Thanks for confirming my statement that later cars have them since you 
described the side impact beam exactly. '74 is a "later" car in case you were 
wondering. Early cars, CC designation as opposed to CF, do not have them. The 
weight difference between the doors is noticeable. Jim could be right about 
five pounds but I thought it could have been closer to ten each but maybe I 
was being optimistic. :o)

Shawn J. Loseke
Fort Collins, CO
http://www.triumphowners.com/79   (1972 TR6)
http://www.triumphowners.com/690  (1980 TR8)

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