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RE: 140 MPH TR6

To: "R. Ashford Little II" <ralittle2@mindspring.com>,
Subject: RE: 140 MPH TR6
From: "Navarrette, Vance" <vance.navarrette@intel.com>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 08:20:51 -0700
        Mr. Little:

        It just so happens that I have a spare set of carbs for sale
identical to the Webers seen on the "140 MPH" TR6. I personally
guarantee that these Webers (reworked to be identical in appearance to
the stock ZS carbs) will make your car every bit as fast as the "140
MPH" car on eBay. As you have stated, these are difficult (but not
impossible) to find.
        The added bonus is that since they identical in appearance to
the stock carbs, you can race Miatas for pink slips and never raise
suspicions. In fact, you will not believe the power these deliver. No
modifications are needed to install these on your TR6.

        Let the bidding begin. Contact me off list.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-6pack@autox.team.net [mailto:owner-6pack@autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of R. Ashford Little II
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 11:30 AM
To: 'Walt Boeninger'; '6 Pack'
Subject: RE: 140 MPH TR6

They are, those are the hard to find Weber-SU-looking ZS's.

R. Ashford Little II

'70 TR6

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