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Re: Problems at 4500 RPM

To: 76tr6@optonline.net (Seth Glassman)
Subject: Re: Problems at 4500 RPM
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sat, 21 Jun 2003 22:48:47 -0700 (PDT)
Seth---Hopefully, the SC package included a vacuum/boost gauge. One
thing asked and (?) not answered is "how much [boost] does the SC put
out before the engine tops out @ 4500 rpm"? Does it accelerate as you
had hoped for before this limit is reached?

Wss the engine capable of exceeding the 4500 before you changed to the
SU carburetor, ignition, plenum, SC, etc. Of course it should have, but
it's necessary to know where the present anemia began.

No kidding...

Dick Taylor

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