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Re: Non Stainless Steel Brake Caliper Pistons

To: LaJoMor@aol.com
Subject: Re: Non Stainless Steel Brake Caliper Pistons
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 23:16:56 -0400
Hi Larry, 

Thanks for the response. I appreciate it.

I agree with you in principal, but there are lots of other parts in the
brake system that are not stainless -- like all of the rest of the
system. So I guess the question is: if none of the rest of the system is
stainless, is there a reason the caliper pistons should/must be, and
were the original pistons stainless? 

I intended to buy stainless and I thought I was buying stainless, for
the reasons you mentioned, but they are not -- so the question is should
I go to the trouble of returning them to ensure that this single piece
of my brake system is stainless? My intuition says it probably doesn't
make much difference. But again, I agree with you in principal, and it
would not be the first time my intuition was wrong :-) 

Don Malling 


LaJoMor@aol.com wrote:
> Don...
> I think your question begs the following question...considering what you are
> fixing and their function why not use the best available..ie stainless steel.
> No corrosion worries etc. etc.
> Personally I think it's false economy to skimp in the brake department.
> Just one man's opinion...
> Larry M
> CD5182L

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