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Re: PI vs dual ZS vs triple ZS -- dumb questions

To: Shane Ingate <madmax_xx@hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: PI vs dual ZS vs triple ZS -- dumb questions
From: "David J Stauffacher" <dstauffa@csc.com>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 07:53:09 -0800
G'day Shane,

I enjoyed your response to Dan's question and found it most informitive
excecpt for this bit:

And personally, I think carbs have more "soul" than FI.  Carbs engage the
driver in a way that FI cannot (though I am sure one could program a modern
FI to behave like a set of cranky carbs!).  Carbs require a certain
procedure on a cold morning.  They are clearly more impressive looking
(especially when the zinc is clean!), and when fitted with individual air
cleaners or trumpets, sound so much more visceral.

Sorry to disagree but the Lucas PI has lots of soul!!  It take a certain
finesse to start up on cold mornings up here in the mountains.  I think the
PI looks more impressive than carbs.  The PI has much smoother design
lines, especially compared to the LEM look of most carbs.  It's one long
tube servicing six small ones each with its own, small fuel line.  And
while the carb TR6 has a nice sound to it, the PI TR6 has a distinct bark
that puts people on notice that you are packing a 150 horses beneath the

Cheers mate,


David J. Stauffacher - now off his box of dirty PI parts! :-)

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