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Re: PI vs dual ZS vs triple ZS -- dumb questions

To: dmallin@attglobal.net (Don Malling)
Subject: Re: PI vs dual ZS vs triple ZS -- dumb questions
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 23:36:55 -0800 (PST)
Don---There is nothing about the ZS carburetion system that would make
it "starve for fuel" at over 5,000 rpm, unless the engine was heavily
modified. Even then, it might keep up. Most often the engine runs out of
cam (air) before fuel. I don't know why someone sugggested a "one
minute" time frame before this would happen.  In any case, the number of
carbs don't have to come into play. Two carbs can keep up with just
about any engine, given the proper jetting, or needle sizes in the case
of a CD type carb.

FI can certainly be more precise, when they have an injector for each

I can only recommend that when one takes an experimental path towards a
different than stock system, that 02 sensing and an air/fuel monitor is
included in the plan. This will at least tell the tuner if there is a
rich or lean part of the acceleration curve to deal with. 


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