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Winter sales

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Winter sales
From: Lizirbydavis@cs.com
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2003 23:10:49 EST
Hi folks
I'm new at this.  I just pulled the motor on my 71, and need to get started.  
Is the reported  TRF winter sale of any significance?  If so, when does it 
begin?  I hate to open up old wounds, but I tried to order one of their 
famous "handling kits" which are on sale in the Christmas flier...out of 
stock.  Three other major items also...out of stock.   I did get the Vicky 
Brit catalog this week.  Pretty limited I thought.  What can be expected from 
Moss?   I need to order about $I,000.00 worth of parts.  I Know shopping for 
parts is supposed to "fun", but playing the backorder game is getting old.
Joe Davis
Drakes Branch Va

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