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Re: Winter sales

To: <Lizirbydavis@cs.com>, "Web_disscusion List" <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Winter sales
From: "Richard Seaton" <rsh17@msn.com>
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2003 19:17:29 -0600

 Don't forget when restoring a TR you will need a parts car too to put behind
the garage! As one can't have too many spares at least two of everything!
  Besides Mustangs don't give you the arm in the air salute when the top is
down. Though they may raise the larger of the five small appendages from the
  It's good to speak with some of the enthusiasts of our LBC's I spoken with
some very friendly venders in the UK and all other places. Pretty cool!
Unfortunately I've dealt with a few bad ones, but I have to admit these
weren't offering services to only LBC's, but other makes too. Does anyone want
to get me started on this one?
  Have fun on your disassembly.

Richard Seaton
1969 TR6 CC27413L(O)

----- Original Message -----
From: Lizirbydavis@cs.com
Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 6:56 PM
To: lang@isis.mit.edu
Cc: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Winter sales

Thanks for the advice.  I need to remember this isn't a Mustang.  Actually,
the search for what I need (and want) has taken me to some very interesting
places, and I'm surprised at the availability of parts.  I can't imagine how
any of the vendors make money with the relatively low numbers of cars out
there.  Please forgive any inappropriate comments about them.  I've talked to
some very enthusiastic and dedicated people who love LBCs.  I've just started
to explore the Internet searching Triumph, TR6 etc ..I was shocked at how
fruitful this was.  Where to begin!  My wife continues to "herd" all my
catalogs into a central area.  Every room in our house is littered with the
"TR"stuff.  I do wish I had waited until I had accumulated the parts before
dismantling a daily driver, but live a little, learn a lot!
Joe Davis

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