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Pre Fabbed Transmission Mount

To: 6pack@autox.team.net
Subject: Pre Fabbed Transmission Mount
From: "Todd Bermudez" <red_tr250@hotmail.com>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 12:38:23 -0500

Little bitter that I have to say this, but Rimmer Brothers strikes again.  
Finally getting around to installing my J-Type TR6 tranny in a TR250 & the 
bracket they sold me (about $75.00/w shipping) won't work.  I called their 
"tech support" & since it's an adapter, they know nothing about it.  Sure 
they'll "Have it back", but I'm out a bunch of shipping dollars...

Now to my question...as if you couldn't guess

Does anyone know of a prefabbed bracket(off the shelf) that will either bolt 
to the existing mount or something that can me mounted(bolted) to the frame. 
  I do have a parts car & probably could get a welder to do all the work, 
but good welders aren't cheap.


Todd Bermudez


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