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Re: Pressure Differential Warning Switch

To: jdhenn@prodigy.net (jdhenn)
Subject: Re: Pressure Differential Warning Switch
From: tr6taylor@webtv.net (Sally or Dick Taylor)
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 23:47:05 -0700 (PDT)
Jim---The original PDWA switch on my '73 was a dark colored Bakelite
material. It's replacement was a whitish nylon.  While the brake fluid
you spoke of can seep past this switch, the most likely cause is a
leaking O-ring in the PDWA shuttle itself. As Jon said, the warning
switch is just that-a warning that the shuttle is off-center due to a
pressure imbalance between the front and rear braking systems. (Usually
air in one or more of the fluid lines.) These dual systems are nice to
have working properly. Others on the list can better direct you towards
how to replace the O-rings. $pending hundreds shouldn't be necessary.

Dick T.

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