[TR] TR4 Investigating replacing the Armstrong lever shocks with telescopic rear shock conversions

Will Daehler will.daehler at gmail.com
Sun Dec 6 09:34:53 MST 2020

When going over bumps in my TR4 I have quite a rattle from the right rear
area of my car.  I have poked around by the axle, and thought I have fixed
the problem a couple of times.  I have replaced the springs and refilled the
Armstrong shocks.  I have poked around. While looking through my Moss
catalog I noticed the kits for replacing the Armstrong shocks with these
brackets that you could mount shock absorbers to. But the kits are NLS.  No
Longer Supplied.  I was wondering why the kits  were discontinued.  It could
have been that they caused damage to the frame, or just didn't work.  I was
hoping somebody had any first-hand knowledge or experience on this topic
that they could discuss. I wonder if the racing group all have custom and
proprietary set ups.


Will Daehler

63 TR4  

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