[TR] Cheers!

Dave dave1massey at cs.com
Mon Apr 17 05:28:44 MDT 2017

I tried storing programs in a cassette but anything more than a dozen lines would not work so I gave up on it.  There is nothing more discouraging than typing in code for several hours just to see it all disappear after one very short power glitch.  My next computer was a PC XT with real floppy disc drives that actually worked.

Those were the fun days.


Dave Massey



-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Marr <mmarr at albiontechnical.com>
To: Dave <dave1massey at cs.com>
Cc: pethier7 <pethier7 at gmail.com>; triumphs <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sun, Apr 16, 2017 5:10 pm
Subject: Re: [TR] Cheers!

I don't remember what happened to mine. I know I had the cables that allowed me to store programs on a regular cassette player. I wrote some very rudimentary course plotting programs in basic, that included the ability to add waypoints. 


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 16, 2017, at 07:12, Dave <dave1massey at cs.com> wrote:

I still have mine.  Somewhere.  In a box.  I had the 32K memory expansion module.

Dave Massey

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Marr <mmarr at albiontechnical.com>
To: Philip Ethier <pethier7 at gmail.com>
Cc: Dave <dave1massey at cs.com>; Triumphs <triumphs at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sat, Apr 15, 2017 8:44 pm
Subject: Re: [TR] Cheers!

I had a Sinclair


Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 15, 2017, at 19:56, Philip Ethier <pethier7 at gmail.com> wrote:

When I started, I had an Atari 800 computer.

On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 1:52 PM, Dave <dave1massey at cs.com> wrote:

I wasn't a subscriber at the start but I remember, back in the mid 90's, dragging my old AT laptop, mouse external dial-up modem into the hotel room, looked up the local access dial-up number, down loaded the digest, copied it into a text editor to type my responses off-line, then reconnected to send out the responses.  I thought it was the neatest thing.  Looking back, what a PITA.  But it was still worth it.

Phil Ethier West Side Saint Paul Minnesota USA

1973 Triumph Stag LE22439UBW "uncle jack", Sapphire Blue
2004 Suburban 8.1, Sport Red, the only automatic of the bunch
2005 Lotus Elise, Bordeaux Red Pearl
2005 Subaru Legacy GT Limited, Regal Blue Pearl

** triumphs at autox.team.net **

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