[TR] Question on how to connect the horn push on my new Tourist Trophy steering wheel.

Dave Connitt dconnitt at fuse.net
Fri Mar 28 18:26:30 MDT 2014

I figured out the problem..
I ended up checking the old horn push to see how it works and the circuit is
from a flat copper plate the little plastic spring plunger contacts, through
the push button and out the little metal ring on the side.
I tested my new horn push and it worked the same so I just removed the wheel,
removed the red plastic wire/plunger that came with the new hub and put it all
back together but I used the original plasting plunger from my original wheel
and it works fine now.
It still would have saved me some aniety if the instructions would have had a
sentence or two on re-using the stock plunger contact!
Dave Connitt

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