[TR] Shipping an Engine?

Steve Smith dogzbody1 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 19 18:51:32 MST 2013

Hi all
Thanks for all of the advice.  I will try Yellow, I had thought only of
UPS and FedEx Ground.  I have heard good things about TSI but have a long
relationship with Wishbone Classics and I'm very comfortable with them, Kai
has gone well out of his way in the past to help me with my car, on no promise
of business, many times he's directed me at more suitable (and less costly)
solutions than I've dreamed up myself.
I'm already looking forward to next
Thank you all and best wishes

On Thursday, December 19, 2013
6:58 AM, "spook01 at comcast.net" <spook01 at comcast.net> wrote:
Either build
yourself a very sturdy reuseable case for it, or just strap the used engine to
a pallet covered in plastic.  Be sure its completely drained of all fluids,
and rinse out the cooling with water.
Then it can be shipped via any motor
freight such as yellow, etc.
I've bought and sold engines that way over the

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone

----- Reply message -----
"Steve Smith" <dogzbody1 at yahoo.com>
To: "triumphs at autox.team.net"
<triumphs at autox.team.net>
Subject: [TR] Shipping an Engine?
Date: Wed, Dec 18,
2013 7:47 pm

Hi all

I am intending to pull the engine in my TR next week
and ship it from
Wisconsin to New York for rebuilding.  Does anyone have
experience with
transport companies for items like this?  Is there one that
you would
recommend over others based on price or customer service?


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