[TR] early Jan trip to NC/SC

Ted Schumacher tedtsimx at bright.net
Wed Dec 28 13:24:27 MST 2011

Hello list. Next week, Jan 5, I am headed to NC and SC doing some 
deliveries and looking at cars & parts. Will be headed down I77 through 
W.VA and into NC.  Will be passing near Winston Salem, Raleigh/Durham 
area, etc.  If anyone near this route needs anything from us, I can 
bring it along.  Will have room for engines,  transmissions, heads, etc. 
A real cost saving on shipping.  Please give me a call if we can help. 
Thanks and Happy New Year. Ted

Ted Schumacher
tedtsimx at bright.net
108 S. Jefferson St.
Pandora, Ohio, USA 45877
Fax: 419.384.3272 (24 Hrs.)
Phone: 800.543.6648 (US&  Canada)
Tech/ Gen. Information/ Worldwide: 419.384.3022

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