[TR] Rear crankcase oil seal
Brad Kahler
brad.kahler at 141.com
Fri Jul 10 07:51:39 MDT 2009
One of the things Uncle Jack found when he started using the new
improved rear seals in his race car was the instructions weren't quite
accurate. I might be mistaken as I don't have my notes in front of me
but I think the diameter you are instructed to turn the crank was to
be turned to ended up being just a little to small in diameter. Also
I believe he shortened the spring slightly to provide more tension and
I remember something about cutting the seal length down a little.
You could probably search the FOT email archives and come up with the
appropriate information. If not I might be able to find my notes.
Sorry I can't provide the specific details but its been a LONG time
since Jack and I discussed the issue. Tony might chime in with better
information as well.
On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Andrew Uprichard<auprichard at comcast.net>
> Yes - I used the "new improved rear seal".
> As many listers may know, my cousin Darryl Uprichard owns Racetorations in
> the UK - a shop dedicated to the TR franchise. I spoke to him this week and
> he too was removing a newly-rebuilt engine because of a leaking rear seal.
> He told me he had designed a new seal he was taking to the International
> Show next week and which he would be using exclusively in the future.
> I don't know when the seal will be ready for prime time, and I am NOT
> endorsing the product in any way, but I am so fed up with a newly rebuilt
> engine having to be removed from a newly painted car: I will wait until
> Racetorations has the seal done and will get one from them.
> To answer your specific question it's my understanding that the engine
> should be pulled to do this.
> Andrew Uprichard
> _____
> From: David Lylis [mailto:dlylis at gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 8:43 AM
> To: Andrew Uprichard
> Cc: Randall; triumphs at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [TR] Aarghhhhh !
> Andrew Uprichard <auprichard at comcast.net> wrote:
> And to make matters worse, I join the prestigious group of listers who
> rebuild an engine only to find a large oil puddle on the floor. Sigh.....
> Did you use the "new improved rear seal"?
> I am not ready to tackle that as yet but am now just contemplating the plan
> of attack. ISTR that I can get the seal housing off by removing the
> flywheel, but the big question is, can I replace the seal with everything
> situ. Will I have to open the seal too far to get around the crank, and
> will I be able to get the spring in place? Frankly, doing this the first
> time was long ago and far away and the block was all apart.
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