[TR] Need SU HS6 Part Measurement or the part itself

William Brewer wsb1960tr3a at att.net
Tue Jan 20 21:57:19 MST 2009

     I've picked up a pair of HS6's and am toying with fitting them on my TR3A. I am missing the "U" shaped sheet metal bracket that bolts between the carbs and holds the bell crank and spring (MOSS part # 371-900). I was wondering if any listers have an extra laying around that they would part with. If not, does someone currently have their HS6 (for TR4) carb bracket off of their car and could they trace an outline and give me the offset measurements (side view) so I could fabricate my own?
     Contact me off list please.

     Bill Brewer
     Tehachapi, CA

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