[TR] great drives
John Macartney
standardtriumph at btinternet.com
Thu Feb 5 10:05:11 MST 2009
Reading these various posts is whetting my appetite for the TRIUMPH TRANS-AMERICA CHARITY DRIVE
that'll be getting underway at the end of June this year.
Being *just a Brit* who doesn't know the blacktop roads of the North American continent, I'm looking
for lots of people driving ANY make of British car to join me for as long as they are able in
covering the outline route that appears on www.triumphtransamerica.org.uk
As this was created using Microsoft Streets and Trips to take me between key centres, I haven't a
clue about special routes I might be missing without deviating too much from the overall route
outline. The Tail of the Dragon north of Atlanta, Georgia is a definite feature but I'm looking to
all Brit iron enthusiasts to join with me wherever possible. By all means pass this post on to
enthusiasts you might know in your locality so that hopefully we can fix up something in which
everyone will have a load of fun.
Cheers, Jonmac
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