[TR] TR3A Sputter update & question

Alex ambritts at bellsouth.net
Sat May 17 15:49:11 MDT 2008

Well, here we are. Check for clogged fuel line from tank to fuel pump. Not
clogged. Note, be careful when applying air from the engine end to the tank.
Release cap but control air flow or you risk gas going all over your boot.
Don't ask. Anyway, no clog. By passed the fuel shutoff valve. Reconnected
everything, started engine and after about 20 seconds fired right up and ran
for 20-30 seconds. Then shut off. Pulled the fuel line to carb #1, turned
engine and a few oz of fuel came out then stopped, no fuel. So it appears I
have a gremlin in the fuel pump. So now I am attempting to replace the pump.
Should be very easy. Not so. The rear nut, (where the oil gauge line attaches
appears to be impossible to get to. Any and all suggestions would be greatly
appreciated on how to get to that nut.
Alex Manzo
59 TR3A

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