[TR] alignment, you dodo!

Randall tr3driver at ca.rr.com
Mon Jan 7 14:15:48 MST 2008

> I am thinking that the Bentley Manual specification is still 
> accurate for my
> TR3A.  Is this true?

Close enough.  That's not to say there isn't room for improvement, if you
are going racing or whatnot, but for ordinary street use the factory
settings will be fine.

And since only toe-in is normally adjustable, anything else falls under the
heading of modifications anyway.

>     I wish to ask about outer tie rod length.  The original 
> manual says they
> should be 7.68" (or almost 7 11/16ths inches).  I hate to sound like a
> smart-elic(sp?), but, why is it adjustable if this is a 
> 'given'.

Those are 'nominal' values, meaning they can vary somewhat.  If it turns out
that 7.50" is what gets the toe-in correct, then that's the right value.

You may have noticed that it's also very difficult to measure the length
accurately ...


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