[TR] TR-3 Engine Stand

John Macartney standardtriumph at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 21 12:11:54 MDT 2007

Glenn Merrell wrote:

> This is just a S.W.A.G. (Standard Wild Arse Guess)

I do so like American terminologies sometimes. I'll have to put this in my 
'little black book....

> but could it have something to do with the Ferguson engines (and Tractors) 
> being forged, machined assembled and installed by Standard/Triumph Motor 
> Company from about 1945 to 1956 due to the manufacturing agreement between 
> Ferguson and Standard?

Yes, yes, yes

>So, since Standard made the Ferguson Tractor after Ford begged out,

er, not quite begged out - but fired (read terminated manufacturing 
contract) by Harry Ferguson for infringing one or more of his patents 
without paying him the royalties due

> and those tractors used a similar engine in the Vanguard, TR1/2/3/4, folk 
> lore says the Triumph is a Tractor engine, although it was probably first 
> used in a Standard automobile.

Yes, yes, yes again. The engine was originally designed by Ted Grinham for 
use in the Standard Vanguard launched in 1948. Ferguson tried to get Sir 
John Black to bring production of the engine forward to 1946 ish but Black 
and Grinham refused. This is why the very early Ferguson tractors made by 
Standard Motor Co, were fitted with engines from Continental.

Certainly the tractor and car engine have many similarities but having owned 
both variants myself (Vanguard and Fergie) there are some very major 
differences and non-interchangeabilty of parts.

It's okay guys, I was just anxious not to see that 'lore' becoming 'gospel' 
whereby statements indicate the engine was originally designed for a 
tractor - when it wasn't :::)))

In these fuel-conscious times (in Europe at least) it seems strange that 
there aren't more (any?) sidescreen TR's fitted with the Vanguard diesel 
engine (a derivative) that also fouind its way into the tractor.


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