[TR] Fan Hookup

Paige, Dean DPaige at ci.santa-rosa.ca.us
Tue Nov 13 10:37:38 MST 2007

I own a 1998 Jag VDP. Big 4 liter V8. The electric fan(s) keep running
after shut down for varying periods. The hotter the day the longer the
fan(s) stay on. The same is true for an electric fan installed in my
TR-6 equipped with a thermocouple in the rad. Most of the modern cars I
have driven exhibit the same behavior. Now, whether or not the entire
cooling system cools quicker due to the continued fan operation is a
moot point. Seems to me that the engineers designing the systems had
good reason to keep the fans running post engine shut down. As the
coolant looses heat small differential temperature currents keep moving
coolant through the system as long as the thermostat remains open. I
suspect it's set up this way to prevent coolant from reaching boiling
temp in the block after shut down. I also suspect that this is very
important, possibly critical in the new aluminum engine blocks such as
the Jag's V-8.

On the other hand I could be bloody bonkers.


-----Original Message-----
From: triumphs-bounces+dpaige=ci.santa-rosa.ca.us at autox.team.net
[mailto:triumphs-bounces+dpaige=ci.santa-rosa.ca.us at autox.team.net] On
Behalf Of levilevi
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2007 7:13 PM
To: triumphs at autox.team.net; jimmuller at rcn.com
Subject: Re: [TR] Fan Hookup

After a drive my electric fan will run for awhile when the engine is off
until the water at the top of the radiator is cooled to below my
thermostat setting (which is somewhere around 200-210 degrees if I
remember correctly).  The sensor is stuck in the fins at the top of the
radiator right below the upper hose.  Often times the fan kicks back on
for a bit which worried me but I figured that the "cold" air in the
radiator sunk which pulled hot water (hot enough to go above my
thermostat setting) in from the engine and start the process again.
This happens more in the summer than the winter and I've seen it cycle
like this twice on some occasions...in the summer.

Bud Rolofson

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