[Tigers] Centerforce Clutch Shudder

Owain Lloyd owain.lloyd at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 03:28:49 MST 2024

My guess would be a leaking rear main seal which is very common.  The
centerforce clutches take quite a beating.  Obviously anything down there
is unfortunately an engine out job anyway on a tiger so you might as well
just start there if you want to fix it.

On Tue, 5 Mar 2024 at 05:45, Jay Laifman <jay.laifman at gmail.com> wrote:

> From what I understand, it is generally caused by burning the clutch.
> This is either from heat/friction or oil dripping on the clutch.  I don't
> know how that type of clutch is adjusted and matched.  But the WORST time
> and greatest risk for burning a clutch is when it is not fully off or on.
> In the slippage area.  The longer you are in the slip zone, the higher the
> risk of burning.  Just one good slipped burn out can toast a clutch like
> that.
> And it's all surfaces that need to be checked: flywheel, clutch plate and
> clutch.
> Happy for people to tell me that's not all there is.
> On Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 5:07 PM <gharlowe at comcast.net> wrote:
>> Tiger Team -
>> The recent question about the activity on this net prompted me to pose a
>> question to this valuable community.
>> My Tiger, with less than 15K miles since fresh motor and Centerforce II
>> clutch installation (albeit 20 yrs ago), has started to shudder
>> uncomfortably during clutch operation.  I'm able to mitigate the shudder
>> with careful feathering of the clutch - upping the rpms and letting the
>> clutch out more carefully, but the previously smooth release isn't there.
>> The shudder is definitely more noticeable in 1st-2nd gear shifts.
>> A bit of internet research says the shudder is being caused by
>> irregular/inconsistent pressure across the surface of the pressure plate
>> and
>> the clutch needs to be replaced (again, and perhaps properly).  It can
>> also
>> be caused by contaminants on the pressure plate, causing the same
>> irregular
>> slippage during rotation.
>> Is this something that can be minimized through clutch adjustment at the
>> slave cylinder?   I don't have access to a lift, so would have to take to
>> a
>> shop to resolve.  Do I bite the bullet and commit to a clutch replacement?
>> Thanks, team!
>> Cheers,
>> Graham Harlowe
>> B382001466
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Mark Bradakis
>> via
>> Tigers
>> Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 4:07 PM
>> To: tigers at autox.team.net
>> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Am I still on the list?
>> Well if you were not on the list, your message would not have been sent to
>> the list, but held as a non-member post.  So it is safe to say you are
>> still
>> on the list, but traffic has been pretty slow lately.
>> mjb.
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