[Tigers] Centerforce Clutch Shudder

Jay Laifman jay.laifman at gmail.com
Mon Mar 4 18:56:26 MST 2024

>From what I understand, it is generally caused by burning the clutch.  This
is either from heat/friction or oil dripping on the clutch.  I don't know
how that type of clutch is adjusted and matched.  But the WORST time and
greatest risk for burning a clutch is when it is not fully off or on.  In
the slippage area.  The longer you are in the slip zone, the higher the
risk of burning.  Just one good slipped burn out can toast a clutch like

And it's all surfaces that need to be checked: flywheel, clutch plate and

Happy for people to tell me that's not all there is.

On Mon, Mar 4, 2024 at 5:07 PM <gharlowe at comcast.net> wrote:

> Tiger Team -
> The recent question about the activity on this net prompted me to pose a
> question to this valuable community.
> My Tiger, with less than 15K miles since fresh motor and Centerforce II
> clutch installation (albeit 20 yrs ago), has started to shudder
> uncomfortably during clutch operation.  I'm able to mitigate the shudder
> with careful feathering of the clutch - upping the rpms and letting the
> clutch out more carefully, but the previously smooth release isn't there.
> The shudder is definitely more noticeable in 1st-2nd gear shifts.
> A bit of internet research says the shudder is being caused by
> irregular/inconsistent pressure across the surface of the pressure plate
> and
> the clutch needs to be replaced (again, and perhaps properly).  It can also
> be caused by contaminants on the pressure plate, causing the same irregular
> slippage during rotation.
> Is this something that can be minimized through clutch adjustment at the
> slave cylinder?   I don't have access to a lift, so would have to take to a
> shop to resolve.  Do I bite the bullet and commit to a clutch replacement?
> Thanks, team!
> Cheers,
> Graham Harlowe
> B382001466
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tigers <tigers-bounces at autox.team.net> On Behalf Of Mark Bradakis
> via
> Tigers
> Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 4:07 PM
> To: tigers at autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Tigers] Am I still on the list?
> Well if you were not on the list, your message would not have been sent to
> the list, but held as a non-member post.  So it is safe to say you are
> still
> on the list, but traffic has been pretty slow lately.
> mjb.
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